ISI Board Field Representative Report
Charles Boyle & Jeff Anthony
April 2018
It is a great honor and privilege to represent International Students, Inc. Staff and Ministry Representatives by attending the ISI Board of Trustees meetings twice a year and reporting back to the field. All the reports and presentations at the April Meeting were extremely positive, insightful, and encouraging. It was an incredible blessing to hear about all the amazing things God is doing in and through ISI. Dr. Shaw’s State of the Ministry Report was especially inspiring and encouraging as he shared about God’s work through ISI both here and overseas (i.e. India, Africa, Netherlands, etc.). Reporting on the Campus Leader Ministry Summit hosted by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, Dr. Shaw stated, “Probably the biggest take-away was perspective on what wonderful condition ISI is in compared to many other campus ministry organizations. Specifically, we are leaders in the use of volunteers and have a depth of experience that is quite unusual in training and managing them.”
We also enjoyed seeing the completion of the remodel and design phases of ISI’s beautiful new Ministry Center. The Ministry Center is a powerful testament of God’s faithfulness and provision. All staff will enjoy touring it during National Conference and learning more about ISI’s 65-year history of faithful and focused ministry. ISI’s Board and Home Office team are both doing an outstanding job and have hearts to serve both the Lord and the field team in helping reach international students with the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the glory of God. Please be in prayer for the upcoming National Conference and ISI’s leaders and Home Office staff.